Effective Date: March 11, 2024
AstroZens (“us,” “we,” or “our”) operates the astrozens.com website (hereinafter referred to as the “website”).
This Privacy Policy applies to AstroZens and associated digital products. Some of the websites developed and owned by AstroZens may have a policy of their own.
AstroZens (“AstroZens,” “the website”, “us”, “we” or “our”) collects your personal data. Your personal information is essential to maintaining the work of AstroZens and associated digital products for a variety of reasons. We rely on it to make our marketing and advertising efforts more conscious and relevant. It also enables us to create and provide content that you read and otherwise enjoy on our site(s).
AstroZens does not share, rent or sell any Personally Identifiable Information to any third party* without your consent.
Therefore, this Privacy Policy elaborates on how we AstroZens gather, store, use, and transfer the information of the users, of services rendered on https://astrozens.com/ (“our site(s)”) and our related digital products (“our products”).
This is a short list of the chief reasons for collecting and using user information:
  • To provide you with content that is highly relevant to you; to maintain a better user experience on our site(s)
  • To render the services you sign up to receive, such as daily newsletters
  • To perform marketing analysis and, by your permission or when permitted by applicable laws, to communicate with you via email and in other channels
  • To allow us to run advertisements on our site(s).
Careful consideration is taken to determine the ways to use personal information and to protect your privacy. Below, we will elaborate on the details. Alongside other topics, this policy:
  • provides information about your rights and our obligations
  • clarifies the ways in which we gather, store, and use your personal information
  • explains the methods we use to protect your information and our commitments to do so
  • covers our commitments to respect your rights and respond to the questions you might ask.
We will be making a continuous effort to clarify the aspects of personal information use for our users.
About us and the ways to contact us
The information gathered, stored, and used by our site(s) and products is controlled by AstroZens. Consequently, we take the responsibility for deciding upon the reasons and ways in which we store and use personal information. Should you need to contact us, please find the contact information here.
Personal information: what and when we gather and how we use it
Personal information is gathered automatically by our site(s) and products at the point of registration (when you sign up for our services) and during your visits to our site(s) and products. The information gathered is used to provide insights for our content creation, marketing and advertising efforts. It is also used to analyze the behavioral patterns of the visitors of our site(s) and products.
The personal information we collect includes:
  • personally identifiable information that directly identifies you and that includes but not limited to your name, date of birth, phone number, postal address, email address, mobile number.
  • personally unidentifiable information that indirectly identifies you and that includes but is not limited to the information about the device you use to browse the web (such as your IP address – the numerical code that identifies your device and the country, region, and/or city in which your device is located);
  • marketing information about your marketing preferences;
  • other types of information that is collected through a survey method. Such surveys are conducted by AstroZens.
At times, our site(s) and products may include links to third-party* services and sites. These services and sites have their own peculiarities of user information gathering and use that are covered by their own privacy policies. If you follow a third-party* link and are transferred to a third-party* site, make sure you read their privacy policy before you use the site.
What personal information is gathered when you sign up for an account at AstroZens
When a user signs up for a AstroZens account on https://astrozens.com/ the following personal information is gathered:
  • the user’s name;
  • the user’s email address;
  • the user’s IP address;
  • certain information from the profile in social media (details can be found below) if you used your social media account details to sign up for the services provided on https://astrozens.com/ and by AstroZens. In this case, your personal information obtained through a social media network is treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy and with the privacy policy of that social media network.
When you create an account on https://astrozens.com/, we create a unique ID number that is associated with you. The ID number helps our system recognize you during your visits to our site(s) and products when you are logged in. Our system will also recognize you if you use the same name and email address to log into your account from a new device (e.g.: switch from your desktop to your mobile, etc.)
Our site(s) and products may also use cookies or an analogous technology that helps to gather additional information during your visits to our site(s) and products. Additional information may include:
  • your IP address – the numerical code that identifies your device and the country, region, and/or city in which your device is located;
  • the history of your on-site behavior: which pages and content you have viewed on our site(s) and products, as well as the information about the paths you followed to reach our site(s), e.g. links on other websites, etc.
  • the information that can help to identify your device, e.g.: unique device ID, advertising ID, and the browsers via which you accessed our content.
There are services that we render that may offer you to provide more detailed information about your interests and preferences; this information is used to improve your user experience. If you order a paid service or item on our site(s) you may be required to provide additional details, e.g.: your address, etc.
Certain categories of personal information are not subject to gathering, including political or religious views, race, health state and conditions, sexual orientation, etc. However, you may choose to provide this information to us of your own volition.
Signing into your AstroZens account with social media details
If you choose to sign in to our site(s) or products with your Facebook account details, you allow Facebook to provide us with your email address and some other aspects of your profile on Facebook that you have made public in your Facebook settings. These aspects only include your name, first and last, age range, a link to your profile on Facebook and your profile photo. We do not receive access to updates on your profile on Facebook. If you choose to sign in to our site(s) or products with your Google login details, you allow Google to provide us with the aspects of your profile in Google that you have made public in your Google settings. These aspects include your name, first and last, age range, your email address and whether or not it has been validated, a link to your profile in Google and your profile photo, if you have one in place.
The above-mentioned social media details will be used to create and/or fill in your account at AstroZens. If you decide to remove AstroZens from the Apps and Settings section of your Facebook settings or Google settings, your social media details will no longer be available to us. However, the information that we initially received when you used your Facebook or Google details to set up an account at AstroZens or to log into it will still be in our database.
Using our site(s) and products
The AstroZens site(s) and products gather and use the information about the content you have browsed to offer you more relevant content on site, via emails and push notifications.
How personal information is gathered
We gather your personal information at several stages of your user lifecycle, e.g.: when you:
  • sign up to create an account on https://astrozens.com/;
  • make a donation to AstroZens;
  • purchase a paid account, additional account functions/features or any other products/services;
  • take part in our surveys and competitions;
  • sign up to receive our content emails;
  • sign up for marketing communications;
  • access our site(s), through cookies and related technology;
  • contact us via email, on social media, including mentioning us in your posts, or by telephone.
Our reasons for using personal information
We use the personal information gathered via our site(s) and products for a variety of purposes, some of which are listed below:
  • To render the services you sign up to receive, such as email newsletters. Personal information is also used for essential internal administration purposes, e.g.: accounting and records at AstroZens, and to inform you about all the changes that our services may undergo.
  • By your permission or in compliance with applicable laws, to send you marketing communications via email and in other channels.
  • To personalize the services rendered to you, e.g.: to enable signing in and to recognize you when you sign in from different devices, to remember your settings, to serve you relevant personalized advertisements, and to measure how effective they are, as well as to adjust our marketing communications to your preferences by analyzing what you view on our site(s) and products.
  • To perform marketing analysis, e.g.: we study what you have browsed on our site(s), what items and services you have purchased to attain in-depth insight into your preferences and interests and to tailor our marketing to your preferences and interests in order to achieve greater relevance.
  • To provide better marketing communications, we rely on a cookie-like technology to check whether you have opened a marketing email or followed the link contained in the email.
  • To sell space on our site(s) and products to advertisers. Digital advertising lays a financial foundation for our ability to provide you with high quality content and services.
  • To carry out statistical evaluations, e.g.: to analyze the performance of our site(s) and products in order to attain insight into how you and other visitors use our site(s) and products.
  • To respond to your questions, requests, and complaints; to address and resolve issues reported by users.
  • To prevent fraudulent activity and provide security; to ensure that our site(s) and products are safe and secure.
  • To ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Legal authority for using personal information
Personal information is only used by AstroZens in accordance with the law. The legal authority is determined on the basis of the purposes for personal information gathering and use. Regardless of the individual case, the legal authority for using personal information will be one of the following:
  • Consent: Express consent provided by our users, e.g.: to receive marketing communications via email, push notification, and/or text message channels from us. Your consent can be withdrawn at any moment. E.g.: to withdraw your consent to receive marketing emails, click on the “unsubscribe” link that is present at the bottom of every email. You can also withdraw your consent to receive marketing emails and push notifications in your profile on our site(s), when you are signed in to your AstroZens account. To opt-out from receiving text messages, please follow the instructions provided in your profile mentioned above or opt-out by clicking the opt-out link in our text messages.
  • Our legitimate interests: We need to get an understanding of our users, to promote our services, and to maintain our site(s) and products effectively in order to create and publish high quality content and to render our services. E.g.: it is in our legitimate interest to analyze the content that has been viewed by users on our site(s) and products in order to understand the ways in which our site(s) and products are used. We also rely on our legitimate interests to perform marketing analysis in order to select the products and services are of relevance to our users.
  • Fulfillment of a contract with users (or taking steps preceding the formation of a contract with users): E.g.: you have signed up for free email newsletters at AstroZens, and we need to use your name and email address to render the service of delivering those email newsletters to you. Or if you have purchased a product or service from us and we need to use your payment details and contact information to process your order and deliver the product or render the service you have purchased.
  • Law compliance: There are cases in which we may have a legal duty to keep or use your personal information.
Personal information that we receive from third parties*
When you create an account at AstroZens and/or sign up to receive our services, we may combine the personal information you provide us with additional information that we receive from trusted third parties*. Additional information can include the region you are based in; it enables us to tailor the content served to you to your geographical location. We may also receive information from partners whose advertisements we can use in some of our marketing communications. We use this additional information to make sure that we only send you relevant marketing communications.
We use the information about the content users have browsed on our site(s) and products and the ways in which they have interacted with this content to divide all of our users into smaller groups by interests and preferences in order to improve the relevance of our online advertising efforts. We can also add to these groups the information we have received from third parties*. Please refer to “Cookies and related technology” Section for more information on how we use cookies.
Using personal information of minors
None of our site(s) and products is aimed directly at individuals under the age of 13. We do not knowingly gather personal information about children under the age of 13. Some of our services may have a higher age restriction and this will be shown at the point of registration.
Personal information security
Appropriate controls, both organizational and technical, have been put in place to ensure your personal information security, to protect it against damage, destruction, loss, unauthorized access, viewing, and processing. All our employees who need to get access to your personal information on the grounds of performing their duties are subject to our duty of confidentiality and maintain the security of the security of that information.
Please note that we can’t guarantee that the measures put in place will prevent leaks or breaches. In case of a data breach, we will notify you about it and report a data breach to the relevant regulator.
Who we share your personal information with
Depending on where you are based, your personal information may be shared with a branch of AstroZens.
We do not share your personal information with any third parties* or individuals that do not have a direct connection to us, except in case of any of the following circumstances:
  • Your personal information may be shared with third parties* that render services, such as facilitating online payments and other forms of payment processing, including credit card transactions and preventing fraud, on our behalf.
  • Your personal information may be shared with our advertiser partners in the manner elaborated upon in the Online Advertising section below.
  • Your personal information may be revealed at the request of any law enforcement agency, regulator, court, or government authority and other organizations in order to fulfill a legal or regulatory obligation, or else to protect our or anyone else’s rights.
  • Your personal information may be revealed to an organization to which we transfer or which buys all or substantially all of our business and assets. Should the transfer or sale occur, reasonable efforts will be applied on our part to ensure that the organization that receives your personal information from us uses it without violations to our Privacy Policy.
To make sure that the rendering of services by any other organization on our behalf is carried out in a manner that ensures the security of your personal information and the compliance with all the applicable information privacy laws, strict restrictions will be placed upon the organization in the contract. We may carry out independent audit of the organizations that render services on our behalf to check whether they meet the contract and industry standards.
Unless you give your permission to share your personal information, it will not be shared with anyone else for their own marketing purposes.
On some of our pages, third-party* social plug-ins are used (e.g.: “Facebook Recommend” function, Pinterest “Pin It” button, Google+ function, etc.). These third parties* may gather and use the personal information that you provide during your visits to our site(s) and products. When you are reading content or browsing our site(s) and products, the information you provide may be collected by these third parties* and linked to your account on their website. We encourage you to read their privacy policies to learn more about how they use personal information.
International transfers of information and transferring data from the EU
We may transfer, store, and/or process the personal information we gather in any country or location in which one or more of our companies or service providers have facilities or are located. These countries or locations may not have the same information security standards as your home country does; however, we will grant proper protection of personal information transferred by us in compliance with this Privacy Policy.
Transferring data from the EU
By personal data from the EU we mean all personal data that identifies residents of the European Economic Area (the EEA). The Area includes all countries of the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. While interacting with the website, an EEA resident may perform actions that will require information sharing. Thus, his/her personal information may be shared with third-party* vendors we partner with and that are based outside the EU. When we and/or our partners transfer and/or process personal information of an EEA resident, we and/or our partners put in place data protection measures required by the regularities established across the EEA.
Personal information storage duration
Your personal information will only be stored for the duration of time we need it, depending on the purposes we are using this information for, all of which are made clear in this Privacy Policy. E.g.: your personal information may be used to respond to your queries about one of our products or services; we will keep it afterwards for as long as you keep using the product or service. Your personal information may also be used for the purposes of accounting, e.g., in case you purchase an item or a service from us. As soon as we stop needing your information, we will remove the personally identifiable details from it to make it anonymous or delete it altogether. If you withdraw the permission to process your personal information that you have previously granted us, and we have no other legitimate grounds to process it further, we will permanently delete your personal information. On the other hand, in the event of your unsubscription from marketing communications, we will still keep your email address in our database to make sure we do not send you further marketing communications.
How we may get in touch with you
Service communications
We may occasionally send you service communications, e.g.: to remind you about the pending expiration date of your subscription to a service or to thank you for providing feedback.
Marketing communications and content newsletters
Provided that you have granted your permission, we may email relevant offers and updates from AstroZens and our partners to you.
AstroZens offers a variety of email newsletters and content emails. We encourage you to manage your subscription via your subscription manager when you are logged in to your AstroZens account.
At any time, you can also choose not to receive any of these emails. You can discontinue the emails by using the “unsubscribe” link in any of AstroZens emails or in your subscription manager when you are logged in to your AstroZens account.
Research and surveys
We may occasionally ask you to complete a survey or contact you for other market research purposes.
Query response and complaint resolution
If you have sent a complaint or a query to us, we will contact you to give a response to your query or to address the complaint you have placed.
Cookies and related technology
We may gather personal information during your visits to our site(s) and products in an automated manner by using cookies or an analogous technology. Cookies are simple files that can be added to your device in order to allow us to remember you and recognize you when you revisit our site(s) and products.
By themselves, cookies do not provide any personal information, unless you decide to provide this information to us of your own volition, e.g.: by registering on our site(s). Once that personal information is provided, a link between this information and the information stored in the cookie is created. The cookie then creates a unique numerical ID for your device or Web browser. This ID will allow us to recognize you during different visits to our site(s) and establish a connection between your personal information and the manner in which you browse our site(s) or use the content posted on our site(s).
Cookies and related technology (Local Shared Objects, HTML5, cache cookies, web beacons, or clear gifs, etc.) are used to get insight into how you use our site(s) and products and to improve your user experience, the content and offers that we post on our site(s) to make them more relevant to your interests, and to show you the adverts you might find interesting. E.g.: we may rely on cookies to personalize your user experience (to let our services address to you by your name, etc.), to securely save your password, to keep your shopping cart contents, or to adjust the content, offers, and adverts to your interests.
Paid Products and Services
On our site(s), you may find offers to purchase paid products or services.
Order acceptance
If you purchase a product or service but do not receive a response from us that confirms that we have accepted your order, please contact us before you place a repeat order. You can find the contact information here.
Order refusal
Despite our eagerness to accept every valid order, we reserve the right not to complete and to refuse any order for a number of reasons, including, but not limited to, the following:
  • if we find a pricing error and/or find fault with any other information about the product or service
  • if we do not receive sufficient or valid billing, payment, or shipment information
  • if we have grounds to suspect that the payment information we received for an order is from a stolen payment card or is fraudulent in any other way
  • if we have discontinued the product or service ordered or if the product/ service is unavailable for any other reason
  • if an order is related to a payment dispute we had to deal with previously.
Order cancellation
Any product or service may become discontinued or otherwise unavailable, in which case, we reserve the right to:
  • cancel the order and refund the amount paid for the product or service, if the product or service is not subscription-based,
  • replace the product or service ordered with a similar product or service, if the product or service is subscription-based,
  • refund the amount paid for the product or service pro rata.
Resale restrictions
For the reasons of intellectual property right protection, any form of resale of the products or services purchased from AstroZens is strictly prohibited. We reserve the right to refuse any order if we believe that it has been made with the purpose of reselling.
Purchase terms and fees
By ordering a product or service from https://astrozens.com/, you give your consent to pay all fees and charges to your account in a due and timely manner as envisaged by the fees, charges and billing terms in effect. You also give your consent to pay the taxes that apply to the purchase of your order. You assure that you will provide us with valid payment information necessary to process your orders. By providing us with the necessary payment information, you agree that:
  • we are authorized to issue immediate invoice to your Account for all fees and charges payable in association with your order,
  • we are authorized to share your payment information and other details necessary for the completion of the transaction via a third-party* payment processor,
  • aforementioned authorizations will require no additional notice or consent.
Should you change your payment information, you agree to notify us of the changes immediately.
We reserve the right to change or update the product/service prices and/or billing methods at any time. Regardless of the reason, if we are not able to charge the payment to your payment card, or if your payment is returned, we reserve the right to terminate or temporarily suspend your access for the products or services that were not successfully paid for.
We also offer a text message service that provides you with alerts about new horoscopes and astrological readings and is totally free of charge. However, message & data rates may apply. We encourage you to check your phone plan before subscribing to our text message service.
Automatic order renewal
If the product or service you purchased is subscription-based, i.e.: if it is automatically renewed, you will receive a corresponding notification during the order renewal process. The terms of automatic order renewal and cancellation that are incorporated into the order process are also hereby included into this policy.
All fees are non-refundable, except for the cases elaborated upon in the “Order cancellation” Section.
Discounts, Promo Codes and Premium Offers
At our own decision, we may introduce discounts and promotional codes (Promo Codes). Users may redeem the discounts and Promo Codes in their accounts. We may create additional features and benefits that will be regulated by specific terms established on a per Promo Code basis. Promo Codes are also subject to a list of general regulations listed below:
  • A Promo Code may only be used once per user.
  • A Promo Code must be used in compliance with law, for the intended purpose and audience.
  • A Promo Code may not be shared, sold, duplicated, or otherwise transferred. It may not be posted on a publicly accessible forum or otherwise made available to the public, unless we give permission to do so.
  • We may disable a Promo Code at any time and for any reason, without any obligation on our part.
  • A Promo Code may only be used in accordance with the specific terms that are especially set forth for such a Promo Code.
  • A Promo Code may not be redeemed for cash.
  • A Promo Code may have an expiration date; it may expire before you use it.
We may occasionally run promotional campaigns, e.g.: offer free products or services with your purchase, in association with certain products and services. All offers made in association with these promotional campaigns may become unavailable due to exhausted supply or be discontinued at our discretion, i.e.: at any time and without prior notice.
Third-Party* Payment Processors
We use third-party* payment processors for all payments. When you pay for your purchase, you provide your personal information needed to perform the transaction directly to the third-party* payment processor. In such case, its privacy policy and security practices will apply to your personal information. We strongly encourage you to review that privacy policy before providing your personal information.
Online advertising
The advertising process that takes place on our site(s) and products is based on cookies and related technology.
On our site(s) and products, we use personalized online advertising, which enables us to deliver more relevant advertisements to the visitors of https://astrozens.com/. The advertisements you are shown are personalized based on your online behavior and the ways of interaction with our site(s) and products.
The entertaining content published on our site(s) and products is not in any way connected to or influenced by the advertisements displayed or the organizations and companies that advertise.
During your visits to our site(s) or products, we place advertising cookies on your device, alongside with regular cookies and related technology, in order to understand and remember what sort of content you are interested in viewing. Upon receiving this insight, we will be able to match the advertising we display on your browser to your interests.
For the purposes of personalizing online advertising, the information such as your name, email and postal address, or phone number is not gathered or used.
The information we gather in the above-stated manner may be shared with advertising partners, i.e.: the browsing patterns you displayed on https://astrozens.com/ may be used to show you relevant advertising on other websites. Similarly, we on https://astrozens.com/ may show you advertising based on the information about your browsing patterns that we received from our advertising partners.
Another form of online advertising that we and some of our advertising partners rely on to make the advertising you see more relevant based on your browsing patterns is online retargeting. E.g.: having visited an online clothes store and browsed certain clothing items, you may start seeing advertisements from the same online store or with the specific items you have been browsing.
Third-party* links
On our website you may find third-party* links that take you to third-party* websites, apps, and social media networks. When you interact with such links, third-party* vendors may collect and process your personal information that will be treated as described in their privacy policies. Thus, we encourage you to read those privacy policies before clicking on third-party* links placed on our website.
Our advertisements on our site(s) and products and third-party* sites
We promote our products and services with the help of online advertising as well, i.e.: you may see our products and services advertised on our and third-party* sites, and in social media channels.
Personal information held by us and your rights
Should you have any questions concerning the following rights with regard to your personal information, we encourage you to contact us:
  • To request a copy of the personal information we keep about you or to make sure that we keep correct personal information about you, please reach us via our Customer Care. Requests for personal information copies or personal information correction are processed within one month. In case of a complicated request or several requests, it may take more time, of which we will notify you specifically. A copy of your personal information is provided to you free of charge; any other rights in regard to your personal information can also be exercised free of charge. However, if your request has no legal ground, is excessive, or if you make numerous repetitive requests, a reasonable fee may be charged.
  • You can withdraw the consent to use your personal information that you have previously given us at any time.
  • Where appropriate, you have a right to claim a copy of your personal information in a machine-readable format.
  • You can also exercise your right to request complete erasure of your personal information or restriction of the ways it is used. However, for specific legal reasons, we may not be able to satisfy your request, of which we will notify you specifically, enclosing a detailed explanation, in response to your request. Where appropriate, you can also exercise your right to restrict processing of your personal information for specific purposes.
Please address any of the requests listed above to our Customer Care.
Please note also that, for reasons of information protection, we may request additional information from you in order to confirm your identity.
Privacy rights for California residents
Under California Civil Code Section 1798.83, residents of California who have a business relationship with AstroZens for personal, family, or household purposes can request the information we share with third parties* for their marketing purposes. Please send your requests to us via Customer Care. This type of request can be made once per each calendar year at most. In response to your request, we will send a list of personal information categories that we shared with third parties* for their marketing purposes in the previous calendar year, the list of third parties* and their addresses to your email address. Please note that California Civil Code Section 1798.83 does not cover all personal information shared in the manned described above.
Privacy rights for EU residents
Any EU resident has:
  • the right to request access to personal information that we have already been collected and the right to find out how we process personal information;
  • the right to request correction of personal information that contains inaccurate details;
  • the right to be forgotten;
  • the right to object to processing of personal information when we collect and process it based on our legitimate interests and/or if we override the interests, rights and freedoms of an EU resident;
  • the right to withdraw his/her consent for processing personal information at any time;
  • the right to limit processing of personal information on the grounds of information inaccuracy; lack of legal bases for processing this information and of a data subject’s consent on which we can erase it; a legal claim in case we don’t need the information anymore;
  • the right to ask to transfer personal information to the data subject or to a third party*;
  • the right not to be subject to automated decision-making that may produce legal effects.
If you have any questions regarding the EU data privacy laws, you can contact us via Customer Care. Please note that we will need to verify your identity before we could process your request. An authorized representative must produce proof of authority to act on your behalf. If there are legitimate reasons to refuse your request, we will inform you about them over email. You can also send your requests and/or complaints to the Information Commissioner’s Office (www.ico.org.uk) or your national data protection regulator.
Inquiries about the manner of personal information usage
If you wish to request information on or if you are concerned about the ways in which we use your personal information, please contact us at via our Customer Care.
Please note that it may take up to 30 days to respond to your requests.
If you have a question that does not concern your personal information, please choose a convenient way to contact us here.
Privacy Policy updates and changes
This Privacy Policy may be updated or changed. If we decide to do so, we will publish the updated or changed version of this Privacy Policy here. If the changes we introduce are considerable, we may notify our registered users of them via email. As the law will require, we will ask you to give additional permission or to opt out of the new ways in which we may use your personal information.
Text Messages
The Wireless Carriers are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.
We also offer a text message service that provides you with alerts about new horoscopes and astrological readings and is totally free of charge. However, message and data rates may apply. We encourage you to check your phone plan before subscribing to our text message service.
To obtain help you may:
Text HELP to the number you get your text message from to obtain help on your mobile phone.
Email us at: contact@astrozens.com
Call us at: +1 (888) 880-9693
Terminating the Text Message Service By You. You may terminate any of the Text Message Services or subscriptions at any time by texting STOP to the number you get your text message from.
Contact us
If we failed to answer any questions of yours in this Privacy Policy notice, or if you want us to elaborate on anything stated in it, please feel free to contact us in any convenient way:
205 N Michigan Avenue, #810 60601, Chicago Illinois
Privacy Policy for California Residents
Effective Date: January 1, 2024
This Privacy Policy for California Residents describes our practices applied on AstroZens.com (“AstroZens”, “website”, “our”, “we”, “us”) in regards to the information we collect, use, and store about all visitors and users who reside in the State of California (“California residents”, “you”). This Privacy Policy should be viewed as a supplement to our Privacy Policy above. We adopt this Privacy Policy to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) and any terms defined in the CCPA have the same meaning when used in this notice.
How We Collect Information
We collect personally identifiable and personally unidentifiable information. Personally identifiable information that directly identifies you and that includes but is not limited to your name, date of birth, phone number, postal address, email address, phone number. Within the past twelve months we have gathered the following personal information that describes and can be linked to California residents and/or their devices:
Category Examples Collected
A. Identifiers. A real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, Social Security number, driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers. Yes
B. Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)). A name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver’s license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information. Some personal information included in this category may overlap with other categories. Yes
C. Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law. Age (40 years or older), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, veteran or military status, genetic information (including familial genetic information). Yes
D. Commercial information. Records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies. Yes
E. Biometric information. Genetic, physiological, behavioral, and biological characteristics, or activity patterns used to extract a template or other identifier or identifying information, such as, fingerprints, faceprints, and voiceprints, iris or retina scans, keystroke, gait, or other physical patterns, and sleep, health, or exercise data. No
F. Internet or other similar network activity. Browsing history, search history, information on a consumer’s interaction with a website, application, or advertisement. Yes
G. Geolocation data Physical location or movements. Yes
H. Sensory data. Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information. No
I. Professional or employment-related information. Current or past job history or performance evaluations. No
J. Non-public education information (per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part 99)) Education records directly related to a student maintained by an educational institution or party acting on its behalf, such as grades, transcripts, class lists, student schedules, student identification codes, student financial information, or student disciplinary records. No
K. Inferences drawn from other personal information. Profile reflecting a person’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes. Yes
We never collect, use, or store information that can be obtained via government records; depersonalized or collective consumer information, information that is covered by including but not limited to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA), clinical trial data, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FRCA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) or California Financial Information Privacy Act (FIPA), and the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act of 1994.
There are two major sources via which we collect personal information that is categorized in the table above. We collect personal information either directly from you (for example, when you fill in our registration forms, participate in polls conducted by AstroZens) or indirectly including but not limited to analysing your user behavior on the website with the help of analytics tools or your interactions with the third parties* we partner with.
How We Use Personal Information
We use personal information gathered via our website for a variety of purposes, some of which are listed below:
  • To render the services you sign up to receive, such as email newsletters. Personal information is also used for essential internal administration purposes, e.g.: accounting and records at AstroZens, and to inform you about all the changes that our services may undergo.
  • By your permission or in compliance with applicable laws, to send you marketing communications via email and in other channels.
  • To personalize the services rendered to you, e.g.: to enable signing in and to recognize you when you sign in from different devices, to remember your settings, to serve you relevant personalized advertisements, and to measure how effective they are, as well as to adjust our marketing communications to your preferences by analyzing what you view on our website.
  • To perform marketing analysis, e.g.: we study what you have browsed on our website, what items and services you have purchased to attain in-depth insight into your preferences and interests and to tailor our marketing to your preferences and interests in order to achieve greater relevance.
  • To provide better marketing communications, we rely on a cookie-like technology to check whether you have opened a marketing email or followed the link contained in the email.
  • To sell space on our website to advertisers. Digital advertising lays a financial foundation for our ability to provide you with high quality content and services.
  • To carry out statistical evaluations, e.g.: to analyze the performance of our website and products in order to attain insight into how you and other visitors use our website and products.
  • To respond to your questions, requests, and complaints; to address and resolve issues reported by users.
  • To prevent fraudulent activity and provide security; to ensure that our website are safe and secure.
  • To comply with the CCPA’s provisions about gathering personal information related to California residents.
We never collect personal information for any other reasons except for the aforementioned reasons. Should there occur such a reason, we will notify you either by mail or electronically.
How We Share Personal Information
We may share your personal information with third parties* that fall under the category of service providers for a business purpose. In such case we enter a contract to describe all possible purposes for which your information can be used by a third party* and what measures must be applied to prevent a breach and keep your personal information confidential. To comply with the CCPA, we don’t sell your personal information to third parties* that intend to resell it in future without getting your consent or without providing you with an opportunity to unsubscribe from all marketing communications.
We share your personal information with the following Astrozens service providers: We encourage you to read their respective privacy policies to get understanding of how our partners use and store personal information we share with them:
  1. Google Adsense and Google Ads
  2. Facebook
  3. PixFuture
  4. LiveRamp
  5. E-commerce
  6. SMSEdge
Disclosures and Sales of Personal Information for a Business Purpose
Within the last twelve months, we have shared and/or sold the following categories of personal information for a business purpose:
  • Category A: Identifiers.
  • Category B: California Customer Records personal information categories.
  • Category C: Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law.
  • Category D: Commercial information.
  • Category K: Inferences drawn from other personal information.
Your Rights and Choices
This section is devoted to the unique rights that are described in the CCPA and that California residents can exercise when it comes to collecting, using, and storing their personal information.
Access to Specific Information and Data Portability Rights
You can file a request to get an insight into what personal information about you we have gathered over the past twelve months and an insight into how we collect, use, and store it. Once we verify your identity and your request, we share the following information with you:
  • the categories of personal information gathered about you
  • the categories of sources for the personal information we gathered about you
  • our reasons and purposes for gathering and/or sharing it with third parties*
  • the categories of third parties* we share it with
  • specific information provided to you upon a data portability request
  • information about sales and what information was bought by a third party* in case we sold your personal information for a business purpose
  • information about disclosures in case we disclosed your personal information for a business purpose
Deletion Request Rights
Any California resident has the right to request to erase his/her personal information that has been collected during the interactions with our website. Once we verify your identity and your request, we and the third parties* we partner with will erase all personal information about you. However, certain exceptions may be applied, especially when this information is crucial for us or the third parties* we partner with and can be used for the following purposes:
  • to render a service that you have requested or to perform our contract with you
  • to improve cyber security and defend against malware attacks
  • to keep our website well-maintained, to resolve technical errors that may affect key features and functionality of the website
  • to use the right to freedom of speech and to ensure that this right can be exercised by all our users and visitors in full
  • to ensure that the rights provided to our users and visitors by law can be used in full
  • to comply with the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act (Cal. Penal Code § 1546 et. seq.)
  • to conduct or complete a research you previously expressed your consent to participate in when erasing of your personal information may have a negative impact on the results of the research that complies with all applicable laws
  • to use your personal information for internal purposes that are reasonably aligned with consumer expectations based on your relationship with our website
  • to fulfill a legal or regulatory obligation
  • to use your personal information for other internal and lawful purposes that are compatible with the situation in which you provided it.
Exercising Access, Data Portability, and Deletion Rights
To use the aforementioned rights, you can file a verifiable request via our Customer Care form twice within a 12-month period. Your request is considered verifiable if you provide enough information to verify your identity and that the personal information you request access to is linked to you. Otherwise, we won’t be able to provide you with any information you may request. To verify your identity, we only rely on personal information you submit along with your request. Moreover, make sure to clearly describe your request to remove ambiguity. A request must be submitted by you or any other person whom you granted legal authority to act on your behalf and who is registered with the California Secretary of State. A parent can submit a request on behalf of a minor child.
Response Timing and Format
Once we receive your verifiable request, we will respond to it within forty-five days. Should it require more time (up to ninety days) to process your request, we will notify you and provide you with the reason for this. Our written response will contain disclosures that took place within twelve months preceding the receipt of your verifiable request. You can choose between two options of how you would like our written response to be delivered: by mail or electronically.
If there are reasons that won’t allow us to fulfill your request, we will inform you about them. Your data portability request shall be fulfilled in a useable format to ensure fast and easy transmission of the information from one entity to another.
Your verifiable requests are fulfilled free of charge unless it is excessive, repetitive, or manifestly unfounded. In such case we will inform you of a reason for charging a fee and will provide you with a cost estimate prior processing your verifiable request.
Personal Information Sales Opt-Out and Opt-In Rights
California residents who are 16 years of age or older can exercise their right to opt-out under which they can also request that we don’t sell their personal information. We do not sell the personal information of California residents who are under 16 years old, unless we get affirmative authorization from a California resident who is from 13 to 16 years old or from the parent or guardian in case a California resident is under 13 years old.
You can withdraw your consent at any time. You can submit your request via our Customer Care form. Once opted-out, personal information sales should be reauthorized by you once in twelve months. If you decide to opt back in, please submit your request via our Customer Care form. To opt you back in, we will use the information you provided in your opt-out request.
We guarantee that your CCPA rights are exercised without discrimination. Unless mentioned otherwise in the CCPA, we promise not to:
  • refuse to perform our contract with you or render services/goods
  • charge different prices for the same goods, grant different discounts, impose penalties
  • provide you with a different level or quality of goods or services
  • imply or make you think that you may be provided with a different level or quality of goods or services or charged different prices for the same goods and granted different discounts
Our website may grant you bonuses or other financial incentives that comply with the CCPA and that consequently may result in different prices, rates, or quality levels and relate to the value of your personal information. Moreover, in such case we will inform you about the terms via email or on the website. To use an incentive, you must express your clear consent that can be withdrawn at any time.
According to California’s “Shine the Light” law (Civil Code Section § 1798.83), California residents that use our website can request information about our disclosures of personal information to third parties* we partner with for their direct marketing purposes. The request can be submitted via our Customer Care form.
Changes to Our Privacy Notice
This Privacy Policy may be updated or changed. If we decide to do so, we will publish the updated or changed version of this Privacy Policy here. If the changes we introduce are considerable, we may notify our registered users of them via email. As the law will require, we will ask you to give additional permission or to opt out of the new ways in which we may use your personal information.
Contact Information
If we failed to answer any questions of yours in this Privacy Policy notice, or if you want us to elaborate on anything stated in it, please feel free to contact us in any convenient way:
205 N Michigan Avenue, #810 60601, Chicago Illinois
* - The user's opt-in data and consent will not be shared with any third party under any circumstances.